Saint Kitts and Nevis
From the soaring, mist-mantled summit of Mount Liamuiga to the powdery Caribbean beachfronts of Oualie, Frigate Bay and Cockleshell, the historic French-flavoured, Anglophone capital of Basseterre to the craggy volcanic chutes of the Black Rocks, the formidable palisades and bunkers of Brimstone Hill to the clattering railway tracks of the old Plantation era, there’s plenty to see and do between the beautiful coastal borders of St. Kitts and Nevis. Covered in a thick blanket of primeval rainforest and cloud forests, dotted with the crumbling remnants of tobacco farms and imbued with enticing little beach shacks and cocktail bars, world-class golf resorts and uber-luxurious hotels, the duo of islands that forms this federation has something for every type of traveler.